
Prometeonetwork est un network gratuit permettant aux physiciens et chercheurs en sciences de la vie de se rencontrer, d’échanger des informations et d’encourager le partage d’informations scientifiques.

Aims :

  • To build a trusted and solid community where Researchers and Physicians benefit from networking, sharing knowledge and promoting scientific collaborations.
  • To promote the formation of subgroups based on scientific topics or nationality, to enhance benefits of our Members.
  • To give visibility to our Members’ work by publishing it in our website news and/or through Press Agencies.
  • To make the latest scientific news available to our members on our website and through our partner-site, Within3.
  • To organize fund-raising events to give grants and scholarships for research projects or training of researchers in Life Sciences.
  • To facilitate participation of our Members to conferences, supporting them financially, when possible.
  • To make information and resources in Life Sciences more attainable within the network.

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