State of the Blogosphere

Directement prise sur le blog de David Sifry patron de Technorati les informations concernant l’etat des blogs sous forme statistique et cela en trois parties :

Part 1 Blog growth

David Sifry focuses on the macro growth of the blogosphere, both in the number of bloggers out there, as well as in the growth of new blogs per day.

Part 2 Posting volume

Discussion about the number of posts made each day, also known as posting volume.

Part 3 Tags and Tagging

Main news : 80,000 new weblogs being created every day, which means a new weblog is created about every second. About 55% of all blogs are considered active – that is, 55% of all weblogs have had a posting in the last 3 months. In addition, 13% of all weblogs (currently 1.8 Million blogs) update at least weekly.

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